Accretion/Ejection Processes in Star Formation: In Theory and in Practice - Registration Form

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By filling out this form you are registering to attend the ESO conference "Accretion/Ejection Processes in Star Formation: In Theory and in Practice", taking place from November 30 - December 2. In order for ESO to organise the conference, a set of personal data is required from each participant. Your personal data shall be processed only for the purposes of the conference organisation, and shall not be used for any other purpose. In particular, ESO does not sell or make available in other ways personal data for commercial purposes. Your data shall be kept as long as it is necessary for the conference organisation, and shall be deleted after.

 The following data is collected for statistical purposes, and shall be processed in an anonymized way.

 Your home institute or affiliation*

 If you have multiple affiliations, choose the one most relevant to the workshop.

 At the workshop there will be time available for contributed talks and posters

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 I agree that ESO processes the above data for the purpose of organising the workshop.

I agree that the European Southern Observatory (ESO) uploads my presentation slides and/or poster along with my name, affiliation, and ORCID (if provided) to the Zenodo platform under a CC BY 4.0 license with the purpose of creating conference proceedings. I confirm that I read and understood the information for presenters at: Information for Presenters and grant the permission as mentioned therein.