Proceedings Guidelines

ESO Proceedings - Manuscript Instructions


These guidelines are intended to assist you with preparation of your camera-ready for the ESO/OSA proceedings manuscript. 

Manuscript Paper

Please submit your manuscript on good-quality white paper. If possible, use A4 paper. Otherwise use US standard 8.5 x 11 in. paper, but be sure to adjust the margins to adhere to the following specifications. Write in pencil the author's last name on the center of the back of each page, as well as the page number. 

Manuscript length and submission procedures

The recommended length for proceedings manuscripts is 8-12 pages, however there is no strict limit. Short summaries, abstracts, or viewgraphs copies are not acceptable.  Please send two copies of your original manuscript, flat and protected against damage to: 

Elena Zuffanelli  -  ESO/OSA Meeting Proceedings
European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 
85748 Garching bei Munchen

Upon receipt, manuscripts and illustrations become the property of ESO and will not be returned to the author. 

Authors are also required to submit a complete electronic version of their papers/posters in Postscript format, possibly zipped or gzipped. The filename should be A directory available through anonymous ftp has been created. To connect to it, follow the indicated steps:

% ftp
ftp> [log in as anonymous]
ftp> [use your email address as the password]
ftp> cd incoming/eso-osa98-26512
ftp> bin
ftp> put
ftp> [exit]

Type Specifications

Laser printers and other high-resolution printers

Use a laser printer with resolution of at least 300 dots per inch. Produce postscript files. The final manuscript should be submitted in paper but also electronically as (g-)zipped postscript file, prepared for the A4 paper format. 

All text and illustrations must appear within a 7 x 9 inch (178 x 229 mm) area. For A4 paper, set margins to 17 mm left and right, 25 mm top and 45 mm bottom.  For U.S. standard size paper (8.5 x 11 inches), set margins to .75 in. (18 mm) left and right, and 1 in. (24 mm) top and bottom. We recommend 10-point Times Roman  for the main text. Use boldface or italic for emphasis only. Single-space all text, allowing extra space and margin indents between paragraphs. The proper font sizes to be used in various situations are as follows: 

Article title 16 pt, bold 
Author names, affiliations 12 pt 
Section heading 11 pt, bold 
Subsection heading 10 pt, bold 
Normal text 10 pt 
Footnote text 9 pt 

A proper figure preparation is essential,  for optimum reproduction of line drawings and photographs. Figures positioned on the manuscript page will be reproduced full size. Figures should be clear and legible but sized to make economical use of space. One common problem is the readibility of the plots' labels.  Similar or related figures should be of uniform size with uniform lettering. All figures should be called out in the text as well as properly labeled and captioned. 

These should be computer generated if possible and sized to scale. High-quality photocopies may be used, although not recommended. Paste line drawings in position on the manuscript and make all lettering, symbols, lines, etc., in black ink. 

For best reproduction of photographs, we suggests to submit continuous-tone photographs, sized and pasted into place in the manuscript.Digital halftones produced on a laser printer are also acceptable. Original photos will not be returned. 
If photographic images or other illustrations are submitted separately, be sure to leave sufficient space for the photograph or line drawing in your manuscript and type the figure caption in position on the manuscript. Enclose original photographs or drawings, clearly labeling each one on the back with your paper title and first author's name, figure number, manuscript page number, and correct orientation of the figure. To attach figures to your manuscript paper, use rubber cement, or white graphics tape. Do not use clear tape over the image area. Figures may be pasted within the text or at the end of the manuscript. 

Color illustrations

We will publish color illustrations, but we ask to use them only if strictly necessary to convey the information. If your colored illustration can convey the same information also in black and white, e.g. by using symbols, gray scales or line-types, please prefer black and white