Call for Proposals for ESO Workshops 2024

Published: 24 Mar 2023
An ESO conference in Garching

In its efforts to promote the scientific exchange among astronomers, ESO, through the Directorate for Science, continues to provide support and funding for the organisation of scientific workshops in Santiago and in Garching as well as co-funding for some external workshops. Science workshops are an essential component of ESO's programmes and represent a unique opportunity to promote and foster ideas and collaborations within the scientific community.

To this purpose, a new call invites the community astronomers to submit proposals for ESO workshops to be held in 2024. Those who would like to apply are strongly encouraged to team up with ESO staff and fellows in Chile and/or in Germany.

Please note that ESO has implemented a Code of Conduct for Workshops and Conferences, which applies to all meetings held at ESO premises, while ESO-funded workshops which are held outside the ESO premises are required to adopt their own codes of conduct.

The deadline for submission is 15 May 2023. You may find further information and the application form on the dedicated web page

Please visit the following link to learn more about the upcoming ESO workshops.