Science Announcements

[Archive]: First Release of VST Public Imaging Survey Data

Published: 03 Sep 2013

The Science Archive Facility now provides community access to the first data products from the VST public survey projects. Following a year and a half of successful scientific operations, the VST public surveys have returned nearly 1.5 TB of reduced data products, which can be queried for and downloaded via dedicated query interfaces.

ESO Post-doctoral Fellowships

Published: 03 Sep 2013

ESO has a prominent fellowship programme in both Garching (Germany) and Santiago (Chile), with a yearly application deadline. The goal of these fellowships is to offer outstanding early-career scientists the opportunity to further develop their independent research programmes in an exciting scientific environment with close contact to the activities and staff at ESO.

Proposal and Data Access Control

Published: 02 Sep 2013

A new version of ACE, the Access Control at ESO, has been released. This tool enables successful ESO proposal PIs to delegate and share with their collaborators access to the Phase 2 observation preparation, retrieval of proprietary data from the Science Archive and delegation for the Phase 3 data products submission.

Job Vacancies: Director for Science and Operations Staff Astronomer (VLTI)

Published: 19 Jul 2013

Staff vacancies for the senior position of Director for Science, based in Garching, and for an operations astronomer at Paranal to support VLTI have been opened. The deadlines are 8 September and 31 August 2013, respectively. ESO Fellowships are also open for application with a deadline of 15 October 2013. Full details can be found on the ESO Recruitment Portal.

[Archive]: First KMOS Science Verification Data Release

Published: 19 Jul 2013

The KMOS Science Verification (SV) programme consists of 20 proposals covering topics from exoplanets to distant galaxies. The first set of SV observations (SV1) took place during 24–30 June 2013.

[Archive]: 2nd VISTA Public Survey Data Release

Published: 19 Jul 2013

New data products resulting from the VISTA public surveys are now available via the Phase 3 query interface from the Science Archive Facility.The current release of data from the VVV, VHS, VIKING, and VMC surveys (6.2 TB) covers mostly the period from October 2010 to September 2011 and consists of astrometrically and photometrically calibrated mosaiced and co-added images (each 1.5 square degrees), weight maps and associated single band source lists in the different bands of each survey.

[Archive]: APEX Data Transfer Time Reduced

Published: 19 Jul 2013

As of April 2013, upgrades in network, data transfer software and archive software have enabled a significant reduction in the time it takes for an APEX observation to be available to users. Over the period since October 2012 this time has been cut by more than two-thirds, and now stands at close to 48 hours, enabling PIs to provide feedback on their ongoing observations.

APEX LABOCA Data Handbook

Published: 19 Jul 2013

With wobbler on-off mode, the 870 micron Large Bolometer Camera (LABOCA) on APEX can obtain photometry of point sources with accurately known positions more efficiently than in the usual mapping mode. The data obtained with on-off mode can be reduced with the Bolometer Analysis (BoA) software. A new guide providing a step-by-step description of how to reduce and interpret photometry mode data (on-off observations), and assess the significance of point source detections, is now available.

Deadline for Period 92 Phase 2

Published: 19 Jul 2013

The Period 92 Phase 2 deadline for the Service Mode observations is Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 12:00 CET. The guidelines for the preparation and submission of the observing material are available here.

All P92 users preparing observations for instruments located on Paranal must use the latest version of P2PP (3.3.3) for compatibility reasons with the observation block validation scripts. This new version improves the stability of the software and brings a few new features, such as the ability of sorting and filtering observing runs in the main window.

Period 92 Telescope Time Allocation

Published: 19 Jul 2013

The 92nd Observing Programmes Committee met on 21–24 May 2013 and recommended six new Large Programmes (two at the ESO 3.6-metre telescope, one at NTT + VLT UT1, one on VLT UT3 and two at APEX). A total of 1092 (8-hour equivalent) nights of visitor and service mode observations on VLT, VISTA and VST, the 3.6-metre, NTT and APEX have been allocated.

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