Science Announcements

What Was That? – An ESO Workshop on Planning Follow Up for Transients, Variables, and Solar System Objects in the Era of LSST

Published: 11 Oct 2023

Participants are invited to a workshop to prepare for effective follow up of alerts from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) using European Southern Observatory (ESO) telescopes. This workshop will cover a broad range of science topics associated with variable, transient or moving objects that will be discovered in vast numbers by the LSST. It is intended to mix overview talks on how LSST will impact these fields, lessons learned from previous surveys and ESO programmes, the expected yield of discoveries from LSST, and the planned capabilities of ESO facilities in the coming decade. There will be invited talks that introduce the LSST, its alert brokers and other tools and services designed to enable follow-up observations. The workshop will include dedicated breakout sessions to plan broad community follow up programmes at ESO. Attendants of this workshop will be able to present their work with a poster/lightning talk. 

Release of Band-to-Band High-Frequency Long-Baseline ALMA Test Data Taken in 2021

Published: 02 Oct 2023

ALMA is releasing data acquired as part of the Extension and Optimisation of Capabilities effort (EOC). These data were taken as part of the High-Frequency Long-Baseline Campaign (HF-LBC-2021) during Cycle 7, which was organised to test the calibration and imaging capability of ALMA at high-frequencies (397 - 908 GHz, Band 8-10) and using long baselines (~16 km). One main priority was to make a final validation of the band-to-band (B2B) phase referencing observation mode in Bands 8, 9, and 10. This technique allows the calibration of high-frequency observations by using a phase calibrator observed at a lower frequency, e.g. pairing Band 10 target observations with a Band 7 phase calibrator. The campaign conducted validation tests observing a complex structure (non-point-source) target source, R Lep, a carbon-rich evolved star in Bands 8, 9, and 10. Details of the campaign is detailed by Asaki et al (2023 Aug ApJ accepted). The successful campaign helped lead to the opening of Bands 8-10 long-baselines during Cycle 9. R Lep in Bands 8, 9, and 10 are available for download.

European ALMA School

Published: 02 Oct 2023

The European ALMA Regional Centre network is organising an ALMA School that will be hosted by the UK ARC Node on 10 - 14 June 2024 in Manchester. This school is designed to provide training on a broad range of aspects related to ALMA, including interferometry, data calibration and imaging, the ALMA archive, analysis techniques, ALMA science, and future ALMA developments. For more details and registration please visit the meeting website.

Period 113 Proposal Submission Statistics

Published: 27 Sep 2023

The deadline for proposal submission for Period 113 (1 April 2024 - 30 September 2024) was 26 September 2023: 782 valid proposals were submitted, noting that submission of Large Programmes is not open in odd Periods.  On the VLT, the most demanded ESO instrument was MUSE with a request of 266 nights, followed by  X-Shooter with 169 nights and ERIS with 138 nights. HARPS/NIRPS on the ESO 3.6-metre telescope was the most demanded instrument at La Silla, with a combined request of 122 nights.

La Silla Observing School 2024

Published: 27 Sep 2023

La Silla Observing School 2024 will include lectures on the basics of observing techniques and will teach participants on how to prepare for observing with ESO telescopes. The participants will work on specific science projects within groups and observe with the NTT, the 3.6m and the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescopes at La Silla Observatory, after which they will reduce and analyse their datasets and present their findings to the public. Registration deadline is 30 October. 

Raising the Veil on Star Formation Near and Far: A Conference in Honour of Richard Hills

Published: 18 Sep 2023

Abstract submission is now open for the conference "Raising the veil on star formation near and far: a conference in honour of Richard Hills". This conference will bring together scientists from multiple areas to discuss the recent developments in understanding star formation both in our Galaxy and across the cosmic epochs, with focus on its elusive and obscured components. It will also be an occasion to commemorate the fundamental contribution in these areas by the late Richard Hills, former ALMA Project Scientist, about two years after his passing. Richard guided the development of instrumentation and observatories that have shaped our understanding of the cold and dusty Universe over the last 50 years both through his insightful technical understanding and his broad scientific knowledge of multiple areas of astrophysics.

Call for Proposals for Period 113

Published: 29 Aug 2023

The Call for Proposals for observations at ESO telescopes in Period 113 (1 April 2024–30 September 2024) has been released. Please consult the Period 113 document for the main news items and policies related to applying for time on ESO telescopes. All technical information about the offered instruments and facilities is contained on ESO web pages that are linked from the Call. The proposal submission deadline is 12:00 CEST 26 September 2023.

Olivier Chesneau Prize 2023

Published: 28 Aug 2023

The 2023 Olivier Chesneau prize is awarded to Iva Laginja on her PhD work "Contrast based tolerancing of space telescopes for exoEarth imaging", successfully defended in December 2021 at Paris Observatory. This thesis, carried out between the National Office of Aerospace Studies and Research (ONERA), the Laboratory of Astrophysics of Marseille (LAM) and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) impressed the Chesneau prize jury with its great introduction, giving a broad panorama of exoplanet detection prospects and techniques, a solid theoretical study of segments alignment tolerancing on large space-based telescopes, and an application and adaptation of this theoretical framework to both a laboratory testbench and the JWST, validating on real datasets the developed principles. This PhD work led to 3 first-author refereed publications, a significant number.  

ESO Fellowship Programme

Published: 28 Aug 2023

ESO’s prestigious postdoctoral fellowship programme in both Garching (Germany) and Santiago (Chile) offers outstanding early-career scientists the opportunity to further develop their independent research programmes. From exoplanets to cosmology, observational, theoretical and fundamental astrophysics, these are all areas where ESO Fellows can benefit from a highly dynamic scientific environment, at some of the most advanced ground-based telescopes in the world. Do watch ESOCast 165 to hear what previous ESO fellows have to say about the fellowship programme or watch the virtual tour to ESO’s premises from 2020 or 2021 where young scientists could ask questions about the fellowship programme.

Applications for ESO Studentships - Second Annual Call

Published: 28 Aug 2023

The ESO research studentship programme provides an outstanding opportunity for PhD students to experience the exciting scientific environment at one of the world's leading observatories. ESO's studentship positions are open to students enrolled in a university PhD programme in astronomy or related fields. Students accepted into the programme work on their doctoral project under the formal supervision of their home university supervisor, but they come to ESO to work and study under the co-supervision of an ESO staff astronomer for a period of up to two years.

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Showing 81 to 90 of 958 announcements