

Scientific Motivation, Roadmap for Development and Current Status
June 10 - 14, 2002

Garching, Germany

Conference Timetable

(Speaker Color Code: Invited / Contributed )
SUNDAY, June 9th
18.00-20.00 Welcome Wine & Cheese Reception and Registration: Heisenberg Haus in Garching  
MONDAY, June 10th
09.50-10.00 Welcome and Opening Remarks K.M. Górski
10.00-11.00 SESSION I - Conference Sponsor Addresses and Opening Lecture Chair: P.J. Quinn
10.00-10.10 Joint NSF and NASA Address E. Friel
10.10-10.20 ESA Address Ã. Gimeñez
  ESO Address by C. Cesarsky will be given on Friday  
10.20-11.00 Progress of Science: Remembrance of Issues Past and Issues for the Future P.J.E. Peebles
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break  
11.30-13.00 SESSION II - Ongoing VO Initiatives Chair: A. Lawrence
11.30-12.00 Astrophysical Virtual Observatory P.J. Quinn
12.00-12.30 National Virtual Observatory R. Hanisch
12.30-12.45 The German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) W. Voges
12.45-13.00 The Australian Virtual Observatory R. Norris
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break  
14.00-16.00 SESSION II - Ongoing VO Initiatives (ctd) Chair: G. Fabbiano
14.00-14.30 The AstroGrid Project: Powering the Virtual Observatory A. Lawrence
14.30-15.00 ASTROVIRTEL - Lessons learned for the VO P. Benvenuti
15.00-15.30 Astro-Wise K. Kuijken
E. Valentijn
15.30-15.45 The Canadian Virtual Observatory D. Schade
15.45-16.00 The Russian Virtual Observatory O. Malkov
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break  
16.30-17.30 SESSION III - Chair: E. Schreier
16.30-17.00 Some Science Drivers and Implications for VO Structures G. Gilmore
17.00-17.30 GOODS Project R. Fosbury
TUESDAY, June 11th
09.30-11.00 SESSION IV - Chair: G. Longo
09.30-10.00 Analysing Large Data Sets in Astrophysics A. Szalay
10.00-10.20 Standardised Sky Partitioning - the HEALPix Example K.M. Górski
10.20-10.40 Visualising and Analysing Massive Astronomical Datasets with PartiView C.T. Liu
10.40-11.00 Dealing with the Petascale Pipeline Processing Systems for UKIRT WFCAM and VISTA IR Mosaic Cameras R.G. McMahon
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break  
11.30-13.00 SESSION V - Chair: R. Williams
11.30-12.00 e-Science and the Grid M. Kunze
12.00-12.30 Data Grids for Collection Federation R. Moore
12.30-12.45 Authentication and Authorization architecture in AstroGrid and the VO G. Rixon
12.45-13.00 EGSO - The Fabric of a Virtual Solar Observatory A. Csillaghy
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break  
14.00-15.30 SESSION VI - Chair: B. Pirenne
14.00-14.30 CfA VO activities and Data Model Testbed G. Fabbiano
14:30-14:50 BAX: An X-Ray Cluster Database A. Blanchard
14.50-15.10 TNG Long Term Archive - Interoperability and Interactions with the Italian Grid Project F. Pasian
15.10-15.30 VO Worthiness of Data - Ancillary Information and Calibration Status M. Rosa
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break  
16.00-17.30 SESSION VII - Chair: R. Hanisch
16.00-16.30 Federation and Fusion of Astronomical Data Sets: Standards and Tools D. Egret
16.30-16.50 Towards an Image data Model for the VO J. McDowell
16.50-17.10 Scalable Metadata Definition Frameworks R. Plante
17.10-17.30 Space-Time Metadata for the VO A. Rots
18.30 - sharp Bus from Garching to Munich-Nymphenburg  
19.00 - 22.30 Conference Coctail and Dinner at "Schlosscafe im Palmenhaus", Nymphenburg Garden  
22:45 - sharp Bus from Munich-Nymphenburg to Garching  
WEDNESDAY, June 12th
09.30-11.00 SESSION VIII - Chair: P. Benvenuti
09.30-09.50 A Proposed XML Format for Astronomical Tables F. Ochsenbein
09.50-10.20 The Uphill Battle of Semantic Interoperability R. Williams
10.20-10.40 Design for a VOTable Manipulation Tool A. Kembhavi
10.40-11.00 ASTROVIRTEL: Tools and Operations F. Pierfederici
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break  
11.30-13.00 SESSION IX - Chair: A. Szalay
11.30-12.00 Computer Science Aspects of the Virtual Observatory - How Can We Federate All These Archives? J. Gray
12.00-12.20 An AVO Interoperability Prototype M. Allen
12.20-12.40 Interoperability of ESA Science Archives (mainly ISO and XMM-Newton) C. Arviset
12.40-13.00 AstroGrid's Pilot Programme and the Course of VO Development R. Mann
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break  
14.00 - Free Afternoon  
  or time available for parallel meetings  
THURSDAY, June 13th
09.30-11.00 SESSION X - Chair: N. Walton
09.30-10.00 Making Ground Based Optical/Infrared Surveys VO Compatible L. da Costa
10.00-10.30 Radio Surveys Through Rose-Colored Glasses D. Helfand
10.30-10.45 e-Star: Telescopes and Databases as a Single Information Grid T. Naylor
10.45-11.00 PLANCK & VOs: Far-IR/Sub-mm specificities J.-F. Sygnet
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break  
11.30-13.00 SESSION XI - Chair: D. De Young
11.30-12.00 Massive Variability Search and Monitoring by OGLE and ASAS B. Paczynski
12.00-12.30 The Future of Radio Surveys and the VO S. Garrington
12.30-12.45 RAE: A project to Develop the Narrabri Observatory(Australia) for Remote Use from Science Centers in Northern Hemisphere C. Pennypacker
12.45-13.00 Archive Computing: Scalable Computing Environments on Very Large Archives A. Wicenec
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break  
14.00-15.30 SESSION XII -  
14.00-15.30 Discussion: VO Enthusiasts vs. Sceptics, etc. Moderator: P.J. Quinn
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break  
16.00-17.30 SESSION XIII - Chair: F. Genova
16.00-16.30 Statistical Methodology for NVO G.J. Babu
16.30-16.50 Statitistical Analysis of Observed and Simulated Surveys A. Doroshkevich
16.50-17.10 Catalog Intersection: Beyond Simple Cross-Correlations P. Ortiz
17.10-17.30 Meeting the Users Science Challenge for a Virtual Universe: the AstroGrid Experience N. Walton
FRIDAY, June 14th
09.30-11.00 SESSION XIV - Chair: G. Djorgovski
09.30-10.00 What are the questions? (What are the scientific, rather than technical, motivations for the Virtual Observatory?) J. Ostriker
10.00-10.30 Theoretical Astrophysics and the US-NVO Initiative D. De Young
10.30-11.00 Review of use of VO for distributing/sharing theoretical results S. White
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break  
11.30-13.00 SESSION XV - Chair: D. Durand
11.30-12.00 Artificial Intelligence Tools for Visualisation and Data Mining in Large Astronomical Databases G. Longo
12:00-12.20 Data Mining Facility S. Derriere
12.20-12.40 Automatic Detection/Extraction/Classification of Stellar Spectra from Slitless Wide Field Spectroscopy M. Kontizas
12.40-13.00 Star-Forming Regions at High Resolution - Radio Interferometry and the AVO A.M.S. Richards
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break  
14.00-15.20 SESSION XVI - Chair: K.M. Górski
14.00-14.30 Data Mining Challenges in a Virtual Observatory G. Djorgovski
14.30-14.50 Data Mining and the AstroGrid Data Warehouse C. Page
14.50-15.05 The Hands-On Universe Project: Developing an International Cadre of Students, Teachers, and Other Scientists to Undertake Measurements with IVO and Other Atronomical Data Sets C. Pennypacker
15.05-15.20 Enabling Outreach with Virtual Observatories M. Voit
15.20-15.45 Conference Closing    
15.20-15.30 ESO Address C. Cesarsky
15.30-15.45 Conference Summary P.J. Quinn
  End of Meeting  

Last modified: June 27, 2002