9:00 - 09:20 Workshop opening
0. Introductory talk
9:20 -10:00 Magnetic fields across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram [L. Mestel (UK)]
1. The Sun
1.1 Photospheric field
10:00 - 10:40 1.1.1 Large-scale structure of the sun's magnetic field and solar cycle [E.R. Priest (U.K.)]
10:40-11:20 1.1.2 Sunspot magnetic fields [J.C. del Toro Iniesta (Spain)]
11:20-11:50 Coffee break
11:50-12:30 1.1.3 Small-scale structure of the sun's magnetic field: non-spot fields [S.K. Solanki (Germany)
12:30-12:50 C.1 The micro-structure of the solar magnetic fields [J. Sanchez-Almeida (Spain)]
1.2 Chromospheric and coronal fields
12:50-13:10 1.2.1 Solar chromospheric magnetic fields [C. Keller (USA)]
13:10-14:40 Lunch
14:40-15:00 1.2.2 Solar coronal magnetic fields [S.M. White (USA)]
1.3 Magnetic field diagnostic techniques
15:00-15:40 1.3.1 Magnetic field diagnostic techniques through the Zeeman and Hanle effect
[E. Landi Degl'Innocenti (Italy)]
15:40-16:00 C.2 METASTABLE-level Atomic Polarization and the Diagnostic Problem of Chromospheric Magnetic Fields [J. Trujillo-Bueno]
16:00-16:20 C.3 Themis Hanle and Zeeman effects measurements in second solar spectrum lines [J. Arnaud]
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
16:50-17:10 C.4 A probe of solar magnetic fields with the molecular Zeeman effect [S. Berdyugina et al.]
1.4 Theory
17:10-17:50 1.4.1 Solar magnetic field generation and dynamos [F. Cattaneo (USA)]
18:00- Welcome cocktail
Tuesday, January 16, 2000
9:00-9:40 1.4.3 Theory of solar chromospheric and coronal magnetic fields [A.A. van Ballegooijen (USA)]
16:50-17:30 2.4 Space-based instrumentation for magnetic field studies of solar and stellar atmospheres
[S. Fineschi (USA)]
17:30-18:10 2.5 Relevance of instruments and diagnostic techniques used in stellar magnetic field studies for other areas of astrophysics [K.H. Nordsieck (USA)]
Wednesday, January 17, 2000
3. Non-degenerate stars
3.1 Cool stars
9:00-09:40 3.1.1 Magnetic field measurements for cool stars [J.A. Valenti (USA)]