List of accepted posters
JANUARY 15 - 19, 2001
List of accepted posters
Poster session 1: The Sun
P1.01 Briand, C., Aboudarham, J.
Spectro-polarimetry with THEMIS: Chromospheric high speed downflows in NOAA 9125
P1.02 Lopez Fuentes, M., Demoulin, P., Mandrini, C.H., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.
Study of the abnormal evolution of the active region NOAA 7912
P1.03 Benevolenskaya, E.E., Kosovichev, A.G., Scherrer, P.H.
Large-Scale Patterns of Solar Magnetic Fields and Activity Cycles
P1.04 Mandrini, C.H., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Demoulin, P., Plunkett, S., Thompsom, B., Kovari, Zs., Aulanier, G. Magnetic evolution of a long-lived active region
P1.05 Lites, B.W., Shimizun, T.
Convergent Flows in an Emerging Delta Sunspot: More Evidence for Rising U-Loops
P1.06 Faurobert, M., Frisch, H., Nagendra, K.N.
Scattering polarization and Hanle effect: on the importance of angle-dependent frequency redistribution
P1.07 Fernandez Borda, R.A., Mininni, P.D., Mandrini, C.H., Gomez, D.O., Bauer, O.H., Rovira, M.G. Solar Flare Detection using Neural Networks
P1.08 Brockwell, C.P., Conway, A.J.
Physical-Statistical Models of Solar Magnetic Field Interaction
P1.09 Gomez, D.O., Dmitruk, P., Milano, L.J., Matthaeus, W.H.
Magnetic reconnection in reduced magnetohydrodynamics
P1.10 Mininni, P.D., Gomez, D.O.
Role of helicity fluctuations in kinematic dynamo models
P1.11 Rempel, M., Schuessler, M., Toth, G.
Storage and dynamics of of magnetic flux in the solar convection zone
P1.12 Tikhomolov, E.
Generation of the Magnetic Field by Turbulence Oscillating with 11-year period in Tachocline
P1.13 Lignieres, F., Mangeney, A.
Dynamo in a turbulent differentially rotating radiative envelope: a numerical study
P1.14 Kosovichev, A.G., Duvall, Jr, T.L., Scherrer, P.H.
Probing Magnetic Structures in the Solar Interior by Helioseismic Tomography
P1.15 Dzhalilov, N.S., Oraevsky, V.N., Staude, J.(*)
Low-frequency eigenoscillations of the differently rotating solar core
Poster session 2: Instrumentation
P2.01 Paletou, F., Molodij, G.
Multi-line spectropolarimetry at THEMIS
P2.02 IAC Solar Physics group and collaborators.
Observations of the Second Solar Spectrum with the Canary Islands Telescopes
P2.03 Lopez Ariste, A.
Real time inversion of spectropolarimetric data
P2.04 Rousselet-Perraut, K., Stehle, C., et al.
Simulation of interfero-polarimetric observations for magnetic stars
P2.05 Lehmann, H., Guenther, E.(*), Hatzes, A., Laux, U.
A fibre linked Zeeman analysator for the Tautenburg Coude spectrograph
P2.06 Magalhaes, A.M., Lepine, J., Gneiding, C., de Oliveira, C., Campos, R.P.
Spectropolarimetry with an integral field unit
Poster session 3: Non-degenerate stars
P3.01 Valenti, J.A., Johns-Krull, C.M., Piskunov, N.E.
Measuring Magnetic Fields on Very Cool Dwarfs: Initial Study of FeH as a Molecular Zeeman Diagnostic
P3.02 Valenti, J.A., Johns-Krull, C.M., Piskunov, N.E.
Magnetic Field Measurement for a K3V Pleiad
P3.03 Kochukhov, O., Piskunov, N., Valenti, J.A., Johns-Krull, C.M.
The search and modelling of magnetic fields on M dwarfs
P3.04 Strassmeier, K.G., Rice, J.B., Granzer, T., Weber, M.
Temperature surface imaging as a tracer of stellar magnetic fields
P3.05 Knaack, R., Fligge, M., Solanki, S.K.(*), Unruh, Y.C.
Stellar Irradiance Variations Caused by Magnetic Activity: The Influence of an Inclined Rotation Axis
P3.06 Saar, S.H., Brandenburg, A.
Further Analysis of Stellar Magnetic Cycle Periods
P3.07 Dikpati, M., Saar, S.H., Brummell, N., Charbonneau, P.
Magnetic cycles and activity in FGK stars in the framework of the Babcock-Leighton dynamo
P3.08 Korhonen, H., Berdyugina, S.V., Strassmeier, K.G., Tuominen, I.
Magnetic activity in FK Com
P3.09 Berdyugina, S.V., Korhonen, H., Tuominen, I.
Magnetic cycles in binaries and single stars
P3.10 Holzwarth, V., Schuessler, M.
Preferred longitudes of starspots on magnetically active close binaries
P3.11 Ryan, R.D., Neukirch, T., Jardine, M.M.
Saturation of X-ray emission in simple models of rapidly rotating stellar coronae
P3.12 Linsky, J.L., Skinner, S. Osten, R., Gagne, M.
Chandra Spectra of 4 Very Active Magnetic Stars: AB Dor, 44 Boo, Sigma2 CrB, and AU Mic
P3.13 Holzwarth, V., Schuessler, M., Solanki, S.K.
A model for the decline of coronal X-ray emission of cool giant stars
P3.14 Hussain, G.A.J., van Ballegooijen, A.A.,Jardine, M.
Modelling the coronal topology of late-type stars
P3.15 Kochukhov, O., Piskunov, N., Ilyin, I., Ilyina, S., Tuominen, I.
Magnetic Doppler Imaging of CP star alpha2 CVn
P3.16 Piskunov, N., Kochukhov, O.
Doppler Imaging reconstruction of stellar magnetic fields with spectropolarimetric data
P3.17 Bagnulo, S., Wade, G.A.
Mapping magnetic fields of Ap/Bp stars via direct inversion of Stokes IQUV profiles
P3.18 Khalack, V.R., Shavrina, A.V., Polosukhina, N.S.
Magnetic field modelling on the CP stars
P3.19 Gerth, E., Glagolevskij, Yu.V.
Magnetic Modeling of CP Stars
P3.20 Kochukhov, O., Ryabchikova, T., Piskunov, N.
Time resolved spectroscopy of rapidly oscillating magnetic star gamma Equ
P3.21 Zita, E.J.
Magnetic effects peculiar, pulsating stars
P3.22 Landolfi, M., Bagnulo, S.(*), Landi Degl'Innocenti, M., Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.
The Paschen-Back effect in fine and hyperfine structure: impact on polarized spectra of magnetic Ap stars
P3.23 Cowley, C.R., Mathys, G.(*), Hubrig, S.
Low Balmer Profiles In Some Cool Magnetic Ap Stars
P3.24 Stehle, C., Brillant, S., Mathys, G., Lanz, T.
Recent developments for Balmer line photopolarimetry
P3.25 Wahlgren, G.M.
On the lanthanides and broad spectrophotometric depressions for magnetic CP stars
P3.26 Wahlgren, G.M., Hubrig, S.
Identification of emission lines in the He-weak star 3 Cen A
P3.27 Wahlgren, G.M., Hubrig, S.
Optical emission lines in late-B type main sequence stars
P3.28 Wade, G.A., Bagnulo, S., Ryabchikova, T.A., Piskunov, N.
Chemical stratification in magnetic Ap stars
P3.29 Stift, M.J., Alecian, G.
Radiative accelerations in magnetic stars: the role of Zeeman splitting
P3.30 Vauclair, S.
Element Settling and Stellar Winds in Magnetic Stars : Results Obtained from the Observations of Chemical Abundances and oscillations
P3.31 Cure, M., Cidale, L.
Influence of magnetic geometry in Be-star disk formation due to rotation in line driven winds
P3.32 Neiner, C.
Search for magnetic fields in Be stars using the spectropolarimeter Musicos at TBL
P3.33 Shorlin, S.L.S., Wade, G.A., Donati, J.-F., Landstreet, J.D., Petit, P., Sigut, T.A.A., Strasser, S.
Spectropolarimetric Measurements of Longitudinal Fields Using LSD
P3.34 Chadid, M.
Magnetic Field in pulsating stars RR Lyrae: mission (im)possible?
P3.35 Nielsen, K., Wahlgren, G.M.
Magnetic field analysis - a matter of choosing appropriate spectral lines
P3.36 Huelamo, N., Neuhaeuser, R.
X-ray emission from early-type stars in Lindroos
P3.37 Thomas, J.H., Blackman, E.G., Frank, A., Markiel, J.A., Van Horn, H.M.
Dynamos in AGB Stars and Magnetic Shaping of Planetary Nebulae
Poster session 4: Degenerate stars
P4.01 Vennes, S., Ferrario, L., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Manson, K., Christian, D.J.
Zeeman-split lines from magnetised accretion flows in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
P4.02 Kanaan, A., Claver, C., Liebert, J., Nitta, A., Winget, D.E., Kepler, S.O.
The Origin of Strong Magnetic Fields in White Dwarfs
Poster session 5: Pre-main sequence stars
P5.01 Johns-Krull, C.M.,Valenti, J.A., Piskunov, N.E., Saar, S.H., Hatzes, A.P.
New Measurements of the Strength and Geometry of T Tauri Magnetic Fields: Testing Magnetospheric Accretion
P5.02 Koenig, B., Neuhaeuser, R., Stelzer, B.
X-ray emission of multiple T Tauri stars
P5.03 Dudorov, A.E.
Role of Magnetic Field in Star Formation Process