Punching Mos Plates

At MOS room in the NTT building close to old control room check STAP wheel lock pin OUT and the X/Y table on PARK position.
If not the case DO all functions reset manually else follow next step.



  • Do login to wefosc user mos passwd ********
  • Open a xterm and check wmos environment active (ccsPerfMon). If not do
    vccEnvStop -e $RTAPENV then vccEnvStart -e $RTAPENV
  • After a manual reset or environment restart do COLD START i.e. type efoopsMosRun (Mos init ~5min). mosuifMOS will be open, check all ONLINE and close it.
  • Open a xterm and type efoopsMosMaint(panel image zoom). A dialog box will be open asking for instrument selection. Only EFOSC2 is remaining.
  • If all the MOS functions are ONLINE, select stap positions (pos 2 - 5).
  • Press buttom loadPlate to load plate on the selected wheel position. Warning for reference check the following picture here. White cross on the plate shows the face to be DOWN on EFOSC aperture wheel.
  • Press buttom loadMaskTab to load mos table.
    A file selection panel appears : mask files are normally to be found thru Module button in /home/mos/MOS @ wefosc
    Cyan cross points will be plotted on Punch Map widget.
  • Check table on the punch map against the hardcopy given by the observer. If they do not match try loadMaskTab again or just go to the next table and check it afterward with the Observer.
    WARNING on hardcopies there is a mirror effect. If they match go to next step.
  • To punch press buttom StartPunch. See the xterm messages, the X/Y reference and X/Y current positions fields. The Machine will move first in X then Y direction to the reference position. Once in position will do the punch. A blue box on the corresponding cyan point will be plotted on the Punch Map widget.
  • Warning: Do not use maintenance section unless you know the MOS command sequence


    • If a cold start is needed and this panel is open, go to MosInit menu bar option and select mosInitRun
    • MOS Checklist here