The Messenger 191 is Now Available

Published: 31 Oct 2023

The latest issue 191 of ESO’s science and technology journal, The Messenger, is now available online. It features articles in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the collaboration between ESO and Chile, as well as the 10th anniversary of ALMA’s operations. The Astronomical Science section presents a selection of the scientific highlights from the first ten years of the MUSE Collaboration, as well as an overview of the VISTA Star Formation Atlas (VISIONS) public survey’s data release and scientific outlook.

In the Telescopes and Instrumentation section readers can get acquainted with the first results from the VLT/ERIS science verification observations, learn the latest news about ESO’s Science Archive Facility and the end of operations of the VIRCAM instrument on VISTA. Additionally, issue 191 features articles on designing state-of-the-art cryogenic, wideband, and low-noise amplifiers as used in the intermediate frequency stages of ALMA receivers, and the new graphical interface to Molecfit, which is a tool to correct for telluric features in VLT spectra.

Finally, the issue concludes with reports from a selection of ESO workshops and a special event to mark the 25th anniversary of the VLT earlier this year, together with the profiles of some of ESO’s astronomy fellows.