La Silla Paranal Observatory - Call for Proposals for Period 107

No Call for Proposals for Period 107 will be released. This decision was based on an in-depth analysis of the currently pending telescope time allocations and was announced in early August by the ESO Director General, following discussions with the Council President, the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Committee, and the Chair of the Users Committee.  The official announcement can be found in Suspension of P107 Call for Proposals Confirmed

Please refer to the Call for Proposals for Period 105 for instruments offered in Period 105, relevant for DDT proposals during Period 105, and to the Call for Proposals for Period 106 for instruments offered in Period 106, relevant for DDT proposals during Period 106 and Period 107.


This section provides tables of the instruments and facilities offered for observations during Period 106 and which will be valid also for DDTs in Period 107, with their main functionalities given in the Instruments Summary Table.

This section also lists the recent changes to La Silla, Paranal and APEX instruments and facilities since period 104 or expecting to take place during Period 106 or Period 107 as well as the changes foreseen in the coming periods; please refer to the Call for Proposals for Period 106 for other changes (policy, etc..) relevant for observations with ESO telescopes. Finally, a quick look table provides the estimated overheads for each instrument.