ann0919 — Annuncio
ESO and EDP Sciences signs new contract for Astronomy and Astrophysics - 29 May 2009
29 Maggio 2009: A new contract for the publication of the scientific journal Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A;) has been signed with EDP Sciences (EDPS), by Prof Tim de Zeeuw, Director General of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), and Dr Jean-Marc Quilbé, Managing Director of EDPS, at the ESO Headquarters in Garching near Munich, Germany. “It is a great pleasure for the Board to announce that the contract for the production of A&A; from January 2010 has been signed at ESO with EDP Sciences. Thus, for a renewed period, EDPS will continue as the publisher of A&A;”, said Professor Georges Meynet, Chairman of the Board of Directors of A&A.; The Board is in charge of managing the journal. It consists of representatives of A&A;’s 23 member countries plus ESO, which has handled the legal matters of A&A; since the journal was established in 1969. “Astronomy & Astrophysics is owned by and operated for the ...