The Messenger No. 157 Now Available
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09 Ottobre 2014
The latest edition of ESO's quarterly journal, The Messenger, is now available online. Find out the latest news from ESO on topics ranging from new instruments to the latest science discoveries.
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All subscribers who provided an email address when they subscribed have received an email with instructions for the confirmation. All hard-copy subscribers will also find instructions in this edition of The Messenger, as well as a unique web link on the label of the envelope, written in the format . Please either click on the link or type the link into your browser, and tick the box called “Subscribe to receive the ESO Messenger”. Press the “Submit” button. By doing so, you will continue to receive the print version of The Messenger.
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Highlights of this edition include:
- An Overview of the MATISSE Instrument — Science, Concept and Current Status
- Monitoring the Reliability and Performance of Instrumentation at the Paranal Observatory
- MUSE Commissioning
- The B Fields in OB Stars (BOB) Survey
- The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS)
- ALESS: An ALMA Survey of Submillimetre Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South
Download The Messenger in PDF format or visit The Messenger website to subscribe and receive a free printed copy.
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