Book: The VLT White Book

The publication of the VLT Whitebook is part of a general effort by ESO to inform the astronomical user community of the member states about the basic concepts which have guided the design and development of the hardware and operating systems of the VLT/VLTI project and of the new observatory on Paranal.

The Whitebook was put on-line during the planning and construction phase of the VLT and was kept up-to-date until the VLT First Light event in late May 1998. The Whitebook is based on a large number of documents and articles of varying scope and level. Please note that this document is not further maintained.

This is a courtesy of the ESO Library.

This product is only available in electronic form.

This Book is not available for sale.



About the Book

Veröffentlichungsdatum:6. September 2010 17:45


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