Awesome Universe Exhibition Catalogue: Now Available
19. lokakuuta 2012
Awesome Universe — the Cosmos through the eyes of the European Southern Observatory is a series of public exhibitions celebrating 50 years of Europe’s quest to explore the southern sky. The catalogue for the exhibition is now available to purchase from the ESO shop, or to download as a PDF.
Awesome Universe is presented internationally in cooperation with ESO’s partners in Europe and around the world. Visitors to the exhibitions will discover stunning images that showcase celestial objects as seen by ESO’s observatories, including galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters. In addition there are beautiful images of the observatories themselves, which are located in some of the most remote and spectacular places on Earth.
The catalogue beautifully presents all 50 images from the exhibition on full-colour double-page spreads, with explanatory text describing the images.
Douglas Pierce-Price
Public Information Officer, ESO
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6759
Email: dpiercep@eso.org
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