Applying for Observing Time

Telescope time for ESO telescopes on Paranal and La Silla is allocated twice a year in periods of 6 months. Allocation periods run from 1 October through 31 March, and from 1 April through 30 September. Applications for observing time on ESO telescopes may only be submitted electronically, and only on the LaTeX form obtained from this site.

You cannot submit proposals for the regular cycles now.
Please wait for the next announcement of observing time
which will be released end of August 2013.

For your convenience you can look at the historic period 92 CfP.
The Late Breaking News page contains updates regarding proposal submission.


Up to 5% of the general observing time may be used for Director's Discretionary Time Proposals (DDT proposals). For detailed information about DDT proposals see the separate DDT Proposal page.

For sudden astronomical events requiring urgent or even immediate observations, detailed requests can be submitted. A detailed description of ESO's "Target of Opportunity" POLICY (ToO) is given in a separate document. Please read it carefully before submitting any ToO.


Public Spectroscopic Surveys with VIMOS

ESO has issued a call for letters of intent for Public Spectroscopic Surveys with VIMOS. Letters should be submitted only in PDF format to

The submission deadline is 15 October 2013 12:00 CEST

Information about Observing Programmes