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FORS2: Calibration recipes
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science

BIAS frames: fors_bias


Master BIAS frame for Chip 1, high_2x2 setup

Master BIAS frame for Chip 2, high_2x2 setup


Creates a master bias from a set of bias frames.


The master bias is created from a set of raw bias frames, for which the highest and the lowest value for each pixel are rejected and the average of the remaining pixels is computed. The recipe should therefore not be used on fewer than 5 raw bias frames. The overscan regions, if present, are removed from the result. The master frame has 2 extensions, with the actual product being in the first extension and its errors being in the second extension.

QC checks

The pipeline measures median values, read noise and the standard deviation of the input frames. The new master frame is compared with the corresponding certified master frame from the calibration database.


product category
product code format comments

DARK frames: fors_dark
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science


Master DARK frame for Chip 1, high_2x2 setup

Master DARK frame for Chip 2, high_2x2 setup


Creates a master dark from a set of dark frames.


After bias subtraction, the median of the corrected input frames is calculated. The combined frame is finally normalised to the unit time. The overscan regions, if present, are removed from the result. The master frame has 2 extensions, with the actual product being in the first extension and its errors being in the second extension.

QC checks

Dark master calibration frames are generally not used in further data reduction steps: dark current in the FORS detectors is negligible, and trying to subtract it would just add noise to the data. Dark frames are just produced for monitoring the instrument.


product category
product code format comments

IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science


Master SCREEN FLAT frame for Chip 1, U_SPECIAL filter, low_2x2 setup

Master SCREEN FLAT frame for Chip 2, U_SPECIAL filter, low_2x2 setup


Creates a master screen flat from a set of screenflat images.


After bias subtraction, the input frames are averaged. The overscan regions, if present, are removed from the result. The combined frame is then normalised dividing it by its large scale illumination trend. The large scale trend is obtained by applying a median filter with a large kernel. The master frame has 2 extensions, with the actual product being in the first extension and its errors being in the second extension.

QC checks

The pipeline measures median values, conad and fixed pattern noise from the input frames. The new master frame is compared with the corresponding certified master frame from the calibration database.


product category
product code format comments
MASTER_SCREEN_FLAT_IMG MSFI fits file with 2 extensions

IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science


Master SKY FLAT frame for Chip 1, filter R_SPECIAL, low_2x2 setup

Master SKY FLAT frame for Chip 2, filter R_SPECIAL, low_2x2 setup


Creates a master twilight flat from a set of twilightflat images. Warning:The twilight images of FORS2, which are used to create master sky flats, show evidence for a feature, whose position depends on the rotator angle (see overview). This limits the achievable photometric accuracy to about 5%. For more information please look at the FORS Secondary Standard and Absolute Photometry Project.


In order to eliminate the contributions of field stars on the jittered sequence of flat fields, the frames are combined using a median rather than on a simple average. Before combining the individual frames, each is normalized with the median of its flux. The overscan regions, if present, are removed from the result. The master frame has 2 extensions, with the actual product being in the first extension and its errors being in the second extension.

QC checks

The new master frame is compared with the corresponding certified master frame from the calibration database.


product category
product code format comments
MASTER_SKY_FLAT_IMG MKFI fits file with 2 extensions

Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science


Example of a STANDARD_REDUCED_IMG master product for Chip 1, R_Special filter.

Example of a STANDARD_REDUCED_IMG master product for Chip 2, R_Special filter.

Example of a PHOT_BACKGROUND_STD_IMG master product for Chip 1, R_Special filter.

Example of a PHOT_BACKGROUND_STD_IMG master product for Chip 2, R_Special filter.


Do a standard reduction of the input frame (debias, flatfielding), search for objects, determine their luminosities and align the derived photometry table with a standard star reference catalog.

Warning:The twilight images of FORS2, which are used to create master sky flats, show evidence for a feature, whose position depends on the rotator angle (see overview). This limits the achievable photometric accuracy to about 5%. For more information please look at the FORS Secondary Standard a nd Absolute Photometry Project.


The fors_zeropoint recipe is used to estimate the magnitude zeropoint or the atmospheric extinction from one imaging exposure on a photometric standard stars field.

The bias master calibration is subtracted from the raw exposure. The debiased signal is then divided by the normalised sky flat field, and the overscan regions, if present, are removed from the result. The frame is not normalized 1 second exposure time. The calibrated image is then sent to a source detection and extraction application (SExtractor 2.5.0). The detected sources are compared to a catalogue of standard stars for identification. The comparison is made, whenever possible, applying point-pattern-matching techniques. If pattern matching either fails or is not applicable (e.g., too few standard stars are present in the field-of-view), then stars identification will be entirely based on the sky-to-CCD transformation specified in the input image FITS header. Finally, the difference between the catalog magnitude (corrected for the transmission curve difference between the used filter and the catalog filter, i.e. the colour term) and the instrumental magnitude (based on electron counts and corrected to airmass zero), is optimally averaged on all the identified standard stars. The derived quantity is conventionally referred to as the frame zeropoint. The corresponding extinction coefficient is computed as

E = Eph + (Zph - Z)/A where Z is the computed frame zeropoint, Zph the expected zeropoint on a photometric night, Eph the atmospheric extinction coefficient of a photometric night (that was used in the computation of Z), and A is the airmass. The assumptions on extinction coefficients Eph and instrument zeropoints Zph for photometric nights are listed here for each FORS filter. They are also contained in the photometric tables ued by the pipeline and delivered to the PIs.

The zeropoint and the atmospheric extinction coefficients computed by this recipe have the sole purpose of monitoring the instrument+telescope system and the quality of the atmosphere. With only one exposure it is impossible to obtain actual determinations of either the atmospheric extinction coefficient (mag/airmass) or the instrument zeropoint without making assumptions on the other unknown. In order to evaluate them both we would need at least two different exposures of standard star fields (not necessarily of the same field), obtained at (very) different airmasses.

Mis-identified standard stars In May 2011 a problem was noticed with some standard star field results, where the pipeline mis-identified standard stars. Usually such mis-identifications are caught during the QC certification process, but a few such cases (≤5%) have slipped through. In such cases typically only few of the identified stars carry high weight.

QC checks

The new master frame is compared with the corresponding certified master frame from the calibration database.


product category
product code format comments
STANDARD_REDUCED_IMG PSTI fits file, no extensions reduced standard star image, debiased and flat-fielded standard star image (including errors in the second extension of this frame)
PHOT_BACKGROUND_STD_IMG PPBI fits file, no extensions photometric background image, as derived and used by SExtractor
ALIGNED_PHOT PZPI fits table aligned standard star table, which contains the identified standard stars, their zeropoints and weights
SOURCES_STD_IMG PSRI fits table source table, which contains all sources detected by SExtractor and some of the SExtractor flags

FORS_CALIB: fors_calib
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science





Example of a normalized master flat field product for MXU mode, Chip 1.

Example of a normalized master flat field product for MXU mode, Chip 2.


Creates all necessary calibration products to process SCIENCE data.


The recipe identifies reference lines on LSS and MOS/MXU arc lamp exposures, and traces the spectral edges on the associated flat field exposures. With this information the spectral extraction mask to be applied in the scientific data reduction is determined. From the input flat field exposures a normalised flat field frame is also derived. The input arc lamp and flat field exposures are assumed to be obtained quasi-simultaneously, so that they would be described by exactly the same optical distortions.

Missing rows in wavelength calibration for MOS/MXU: Sometimes the pipeline does not find a wavelength solution for all CCD rows in MOS/MXU data. Interpolation across such missing rows sometimes does not work, resulting in missing rows (= flux identical to zero) in mapped science data. These are the narrow black lines seen in the lower slit in the screen shot below.

Wavelength Calibration for 150I: For some offsets both in LSS and MOS the pipeline cannot correctly align the redmost part of the 150I arc spectrum. This can be done manually by changing the parameters of the pipeline slightly.

Cosmic correction/spectrum extraction: The correction for cosmic rays done in the new pipeline since 2006-10-01 can distort line profiles, esp. of narrow lines. Users are therefore urged to check their extracted spectra carefully.

Sky background in MOS/MXU observations: The assumption of the new pipeline (since 2006-10-01) that at least 50% of the pixels contain only sky background is violated in many cases, so that the sky will be overestimated. Comparing the mapped science frame and the mapped sky frame allows to check this effect.

Sky background in LSS observations: The use of a median to estimate the sky background (since 2006-10-01) does not correct for large spatial gradients.

Flat-fielding in MOS mode: Due to the problems induced by the stray light contamination, in some cases the pipeline may introduce small-scale, artificial patterns in the flatfielding. These patterns are mostly located close to the slit edges and are below the 3% level. Artifical patterns can also be introduced close to bad pixels regions. The presence of these patterns does not hamper noticeably the accuracy of the wavelength calibration and the quality of the science data.

QC checks

The new master frame is compared with the corresponding certified master frame from the calibration database.


product category
product code format comments
MASTER_NORM_FLAT_LSS/MOS/MXU MNFL/MNFM/MNFX fits file, no extensions normalized master flat field, derived by dividing the master screen flat by its smoothed version
MASTER_SCREEN_FLAT_LSS/MOS/MXU MSFL/MSFM/MSFX fits file master screen flat field (for verification only); comparing it to the normalized master flat allows to see if all slitlets for MOS/MXU have been found.
DISP_COEFF_LSS/MOS/MXU PWCL/PWCM/PWCX table dispersion coefficients table containing the wavelength calibration polynomial coefficients. This table contains as many rows as in the reduced lamp image, ordered in the same way.
SLIT_LOCATION_LSS/MOS/MXU PSLL/PSLM/PSLX table slit location table containing the slit positions on the CCD, and on the reduced lamp image
WAVELENGTH_MAP_LSS/MOS/MXU WML/PWMM/PWMX fits file wavelength map image with the same size as the CCD, where to each pixel is assigned the value of the wavelength at its center
SPATIAL_MAP_MOS/MXU PSMM/PSMX fits file spatial map image (MOS/MXU only), which has the same size of the CCD, where to each pixel is assigned the value of its distance (in CCD pixels) from the top edge of the spectrum it belongs to. In case of confusion between nearby spectra, the spatial coordinate would just reflect the spectral curvature, and not the absolute spatial coordinate along the slit (see manual for more details).
SPECTRAL_RESOLUTION_LSS/MOS/MXU PSRL/PSRM/PSRX table spectral resolution table containing the mean spectral resolution for each reference arc lamp line
CURV_COEFF_MOS/MXU PCCM/PCCX table curvature coefficients table containing the coefficients of the polynomials used to fit the spectral curvature
REDUCED_LAMP_LSS/MOS/MXU PRLL/PRLM/PRLX fits file Reduced lamp image (for verification only), i.e. rectified and wavelength calibrated arc lamp image. This is the result of applying the extraction mask derived from the flat field and arc lamp exposures to the input arc lamp exposure itself. This image is just useful to get an immediate feeling of the goodness of the computed extraction mask.
GLOBAL_DISTORTION_TABLE table containing the modeling of the coefficients of the local distortion models listed in the dispersion coefficients table and the curvature coefficients table. This table is currently used just for quality control, and is produced only if at least 12 spectra are found on the CCD.

FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science




Processes on-sky (STD and SCIENCE) spectroscopic data


This recipe is used for reducing FORS2 LSS, MOS, and MXU scientific spectra applying the extraction mask and the normalised flat field created by the recipe fors_calib. The slit spectra are bias subtracted, flat fielded if requested, and remapped eliminating the optical distortions. The input wavelength calibration can optionally be adjusted to a number of reference sky lines. Finally, objects are searched and extracted from all the slit spectra. This recipe is also used to reduced spectroscopic standard star observations. In case of standard star observations the SCI acronym in the products names should also be read STD. In these cases the recipe also determines the efficiency of the system from associated flux standard star tables as well as response curves. These response curves are then combined into master response curves after some time, which will be used to flux-calibrate the science data.


product category
product code format comments
SKY_SHIFTS_LONG_SCI_MXU PSOM/PSOL for STD table sky line offset table containing the observed sky lines offsets that were used for adjusting the input wavelength solution. This table may be very useful for judging what would be the most appropriate modeling of the observed offsets, and to what extent the input wavelength calibration really needs to be adjusted.
DISP_COEFF_LSS PDCM/PDCL for STD table dispersion coefficients table updated using reference sky lines
WAVELENGTH_MAP_LSS PPWSM/PWSL for STD fits file wavelength map image, an upgraded version of the wavelength map; produced only in case the adjustment of the wavelength solution to the sky lines is requested
MAPPED_STD_MOS PMAM/PMAL for STD fits file mapped science data (with rectified and wavelength calibrated spectra; all these products are normalized with their exposure time)
OBJECT_TABLE_STD_MOS POTM/POTL for STD table object table which is an expansion of the input slit location table, where the positions and the extraction spatial intervals of the detected objects are also included. This table is produced only if any kind of sky subtraction (global and/or local) is requested, otherwise no object detection or extraction is attempted
REDUCED_STD_MOS PRSM/PRSL for STD fits file reduced and extracted object spectra; Extracted spectra are written to the image rows listed in the object table
REDUCED_SKY_STD_MOS PRKM/PRKL for STD fits file reduced and extracted spectra with sky corresponding to the extracted objects spectra. The sky is extracted in the same way as the objects, e.g., if optimal weights were applied to the object extraction, the same weights are applied to the sky extraction. This image matches the reduced SCI/STD image
REDUCED_ERROR_STD_MOS PREM/PREL for STD fits file reduced and extracted spectra with errors (one sigma level) corresponding to the extracted objects spectra. This image matches the reduced SCI/STD image.
UNMAPPED_SKY_SCI_MXU for science only fits file (not for LSS-like observations; these products are not normalized to 1 second exposure time); image with the sky subtracted scientific spectra on the CCD frame
SPECPHOT_TABLE PSTM table efficiency and response curves, flux-calibrated data

FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science



Creates all necessary calibration products to process PMOS SCIENCE data


This recipe identifies reference lines on PMOS arc lamp exposures, and traces the spectral edges on the associated flat field exposures. With this information the spectral extraction mask to be applied in the scientific data reduction is determined. The recipe takes into account the fact that every slit in the mask produces two slits in the observed frames. From the input flat field exposures a normalised flat field frame is also derived. The input arc lamp and flat field exposures are assumed to be obtained quasi-simultaneously, so that they would be described by exactly the same optical distortions.

Association of PMOS spectra for different numbers of objects in different slits: If there is more than one active slit, and at least one slit has a number of objects different from the other slits, then the association between spectra belonging to the same object (in the two corresponding beams) was ALWAYS wrong for pipeline versions up to 4.7.3. As long as the number of objects per slit is the same for all slits (including the case of only 1 active slit) the association was correct.


product category
product code format comments
MASTER_NORM_FLAT_PMOS MNFP fits file normalized master flat field derived by dividing the master screen flat by its smoothed version
MASTER_SCREEN_FLAT_PMOS MSFP fits file master screen flat field (for verification only). Comparing it to the normalized master flat allows to see if all slitlets have been found.
DISP_COEFF_PMOS PWCP table dispersion coefficients table containing the wavelength calibration polynomial coefficients. This table contains as many rows as in the reduced lamp image, ordered in the same way.
SLIT_LOCATION_PMOS PSLP table slit location table containing the slit positions on the CCD, and on the reduced lamp image
WAVELENGTH_MAP_PMOS PWMP fits file wavelength map image with the same size as the CCD, where to each pixel is assigned the value of the wavelength at its center
SPATIAL_MAP_PMOS PSMP fits file spatial map image, which has the same size of the CCD, where to each pixel is assigned the value of its distance (in CCD pixels) from the top edge of the spectrum it belongs to. In case of confusion between nearby spectra, the spatial coordinate would just reflect the spectral curvature, and not the absolute spatial coordinate along the slit.
SPECTRAL_RESOLUTION_PMOS PSRP table spectral resolution table containing the mean spectral resolution for each reference arc lamp line
CURV_COEFF_PMOS PCCP table curvature coefficients table containing the coefficients of the polynomials used to fit the spectral curvature
REDUCED_LAMP_PMOS PRLP fits file reduced lamp image (for verification only), i.e. rectified and wavelength calibrated arc lamp image. This is the result of applying the extraction mask derived from the flat field and arc lamp exposures to the input arc lamp exposure itself. This image is just useful to get an immediate feeling of the goodness of the computed extraction mask.

FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science
BIAS frames: fors_bias | DARK frames: fors_dark | IMG_SCREEN_FLAT frames: fors_img_screen_flat | IMG_SKY_FLAT frames: fors_img_sky_flat | Zeropoint frames: fors_zeropoint | FORS_CALIB: fors_calib | FORS_SCIENCE: fors_science | FORS_PMOS_CALIB: fors_pmos_calib | FORS_PMOS_SCIENCE: fors_pmos_science




Processes on-sky (STD and SCIENCE) PMOS data


This recipe is used for reducing FORS2 PMOS, scientific spectra applying the extraction mask and the normalised flat field created by the recipe fors_pmos_calib. The slit spectra are bias subtracted, flat fielded if requested, and remapped eliminating the optical distortions. The input wavelength calibration can optionally be adjusted to a number of reference sky lines. Finally, objects are searched and extracted from all the slit spectra. Then the appropriate polarimetric parameters (for linear and circular polarization) are derived by combining the spectra from the various exposures. This recipe is also used to reduced spectroscopic standard star observations. In case of standard star observations the SCI acronym in the products names should also be read STD. The pipeline reduces sets of 2 or 4 frames for circular polarimetry and sets of 4 or 8 frames for linear polarimetry for versions up to 4.7.3. Later versions have no such limit.

Pipeline versions up to 4.7.3 also had the following bug: If there was more than one active slit, and at least one slit had a number of objects different from the other slits, then the association between spectra belonging to the same object (in the two corresponding beams) was ALWAYS wrong. As long as the number of objects per slit is the same for all slits (including the case of only 1 active slit) the association was correct.

In the case of standard stars the recipe also determines for polarized standard the polarization angle and the offset in polarization. For unpolarized standard stars only the absolute polarization is determined.


product category
product code format comments
SKY_SHIFTS_SCI_PMOS PSOP for STD table sky line offset table containing the observed sky lines offsets that were used for adjusting the input wavelength solution. This table may be very useful for judging what would be the most appropriate modeling of the observed offsets, and to what extent the input wavelength calibration really needs to be adjusted.
DISP_COEFF_PMOS PDCP for STD table dispersion coefficients table updated using reference sky lines
WAVELENGTH_MAP_PMOS PWSP for STD fits file wavelength map image, an upgraded version of the wavelength map; produced only in case the adjustment of the wavelength solution to the sky lines is requested
MAPPED_STD_PMOS PMAP for STD fits file mapped science data (with rectified and wavelength calibrated spectra; all these products are normalized with their exposure time)
OBJECT_TABLE_STD_PMOS POTP for STD table object table which is an expansion of the input slit location table, where the positions and the extraction spatial intervals of the detected objects are also included. This table is produced only if any kind of sky subtraction (global and/or local) is requested, otherwise no object detection or extraction is attempted
REDUCED_STD_PMOS PRSP for STD fits file reduced and extracted object spectra; Extracted spectra are written to the image rows listed in the object table
REDUCED_SKY_STD_PMOS PRKP for STD fits file reduced and extracted spectra with sky corresponding to the extracted objects spectra. The sky is extracted in the same way as the objects, e.g., if optimal weights were applied to the object extraction, the same weights are applied to the sky extraction. This image matches the reduced SCI/STD image
REDUCED_ERROR_STD_PMOS PREP for STD fits file reduced and extracted spectra with errors (one sigma level) corresponding to the extracted objects spectra. This image matches the reduced SCI/STD image.
REDUCED_L/Q/U/V_STD_PMOS PRLP/PRQP/PRUP/PRVP table polarimetric parameters (angle, L, Q, U, V) depending on the type and number of observations)
UNMAPPED_SKY_SCI_PMOS for science only fits file (not for LSS-like observations; these products are not normalized to 1 second exposure time); image with the sky subtracted scientific spectra on the CCD frame

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