1) "Quasi periodic oscillation in FU Ori as seen from space and the ground" The visual light curve of FU Ori gathered by the MOST satellite continuously for 55 days in the 2013-2014 Winter season and ground-based multi colour data were used to determine the mechanism leading to various quasi-periodic light variations in this star. With the help of a disc- & star-light synthesis model we found that the long periodic family of quasi-periods (10.5-11.4 day) showing light variations up to 0.07 mag may arise due to the rotational revolution of disc inhomogeneities located between 16-20 solar radii. The same distance is obtained by assuming that the light variations arise due to a purely Keplerian revolution of these inhomogeneities for a stellar mass of 0.7 solar mass. Mechanisms possibly leading to the disc inhomogeneity are briefly discussed.