Poster: Transmission Spectroscopy in LHS1140b Abstract: The field of exoplanets has reached the point where the study of small exoplanet atmospheres can be made. Understanding the atmospheric physical processes and chemistries of rocky planets orbiting distant stars can reveal the true nature of the population of planets in the galaxy, from their formation mechanisms to their subsequent evolution. When that planet turns out to be an exo-Earth orbiting in the Habitable Zone (HZ) of a nearby star, the study of its atmosphere takes on even greater importance, since these worlds may be the nearest hosts to exolife that we can study in the foreseeable future. I will present detail of the newly discovered HZ rocky planet LHS1140b. This will include observation of the transit from the optical to the near-infrared (GROND, SOFI and HAWK-I ), with the overall aim of searching for evidence of the planet’s atmosphere.