Poster title: Planetary Transit Signal Analysis using Gaussian Processes Poster abstract: I present a new planetary transit fitting software for Python called Bayesian Analysis of Transit SIGNAL (BATSIGNAL). It uses the BAsic Transit Model cAlculatioN (BATMAN), Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (emcee), and Gaussian process regression (George) to accurately determine the parameters of a planetary system. The program considers priors in the estimations of: the ratio of the stellar and planetary radii, limb darkening coefficients, time of mid- transit, period, scaled semi-major axis, inclination, eccentricity, and periastron longitude. The user-friendly software fits for any to all of these parameters, and can fit multiple transits of a planet simultaneously. The addition of the Gaussian process regression accounts for correlated red noise in a way that no other transit analysis software does, while its speed is still comparable to more widely used programs such as TAP in IDL and JKTEBOP in FORTRAN.