Product Summary

Image Products >> Product Log >> Summary
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 05-Nov-2004
Product Creation Time 20:05:53
User eisdata
Session 70531
Process 5000010
Product Type stack
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP3
Field DEEP3c
Passband U
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 48845
Associated Catalog
Product Type Single Passband Catalog
Product Name N/A
Summary at-a-glance
Instrument WFI
ESO Filter# #877
Right Ascension (hh:mm:ss.s) 11:20:06.0
Declinaton (dd:mm:ss.s) -21:41:48
Interval between First/Last Contributing Frames (days) 121.8
Airmass 0.0
Final Pixel Scale of Product 0.24
Measured Seeing (arcsec) 0.98
PSF Distortion (rms) 0.05
Astrometry/Reference Grid
Projection TAN
Orientation (default is North up; East left) DEFAULT
Astrometric System GSC2.2
Reference Pixel: X 1152.0
Reference Pixel: Y 4308.0
Number of nights with independent zeropoints 6
Zeropoint of Product (Vega magnitudes) 21.95
Zeropoint Error (Zp error) 0.015


Image Products >> Product Log >> Attributes
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 05-Nov-2004
Product Creation Time 20:05:53
User eisdata
Session 70531
Process 5000010
Product Type stack
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP3
Field DEEP3c
Passband U
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 48845
General Properties
Right Ascension (decimal degrees) 170.025
Declination (decimal degrees) -21.6967
Galactic Longitude, l 276.3153
Galactic Latitude, b 36.4098
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 48845
Number of Contributing Frames 18
First Contributing Frame MJD 52344.1712
Lsat Contributing Frame MJD 52465.9736
First Contributing Frame Civil Date 2002-03-11
Last Contributing Frame Civil Date 2002-07-10
Interval between First/Last Contributing Frames (days) 121.8
Number of Photometric Contributing Frames 16
Number of Rejected Frames 0
Number of Stacked Frames 18
Effective Gain 141876.4
Effective Non-linearity N/A
Effective Saturation N/A
Area of maximum overlap in stacked image (arcmin2) 868.0
Fraction of instrument FOV of area of stacked image with maximum overlap 0.8
Aperture Limiting Magnitudes
Aperture (arcsec) 1 sigma 2 sigma 3 sigma 4 sigma 5 sigma
1.0 27.44 26.69 26.25 25.93 25.69
2.0 26.57 25.82 25.38 25.07 24.82
3.0 26.09 25.34 24.9 24.59 24.34
4.0 25.76 25.01 24.57 24.26 24.02
5.0 25.4 24.64 24.2 23.89 23.65
6.0 25.33 24.57 24.13 23.82 23.58
Measured Seeing (arcsec) 0.982
Measured Seeing (pixels) 4.125
PSF Distortion along X-axis (E-W), e1 -0.006
PSF Distortion along Y-axis (N-S), e2 0.001
PSF Distortion rms 0.046
Pixel Distribution
Mean Count (ADU) 0.002
Standard Deviation of Count (ADU) 0.253
Mean Sigma-Clipped Background Count (ADU) -0.0
Standard Deviation of Sigma-Clipped Background Count (ADU) 0.001

Stack Blocks

Image Products >> Product Log >> Stack Blocks
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 05-Nov-2004
Product Creation Time 20:05:53
User eisdata
Session 70531
Process 5000010
Product Type stack
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP3
Field DEEP3c
Passband U
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 48845
Stack Blocks (SB)
Number of Original Frames Input 18
Number of Photometric Frames 16
Number of Rejected Frames 0
Number of Stacked Frames 18
Mean Airmass of Contributing Frames 1.09
Mean Seeing of Contributing Frames (arcsec) 0.859
Mean of rms PSF Distortions of Contributing Frames 0.086
Mean Sky Brightness of Contributing Frames (magnitudes/arcsec2) 22.05
Frames in SB: Observations
# R.A. Dec. Passband MJD Civil Date Airmass Total Exposure Time
1 170.0243 -21.7 U 52344.1712408 2002-03-11 1.01293280722 4499.5882
2 170.0465 -21.6916 U 52344.2303721 2002-03-11 1.06827751566 4499.5916
3 170.0539 -21.704 U 52345.1800937 2002-03-12 1.01448931008 4499.5878
4 170.0392 -21.7124 U 52345.2402498 2002-03-12 1.09836194288 4499.5883
5 170.0017 -21.7083 U 52346.1756186 2002-03-13 1.01406106531 4499.5883
6 169.9942 -21.6959 U 52346.2365998 2002-03-13 1.09594633354 4499.5875
7 169.9887 -21.6815 U 52347.124541 2002-03-14 1.0754171324 899.9177
8 170.0211 -21.6754 U 52347.1480809 2002-03-14 1.02490888141 2699.754
9 170.0317 -21.6833 U 52347.1837336 2002-03-14 1.00895159421 899.9178
10 170.0221 -21.6948 U 52347.2070009 2002-03-14 1.0154804841 899.9178
11 170.0523 -21.6885 U 52347.2305113 2002-03-14 1.04072469153 899.9177
12 169.9954 -21.7109 U 52347.2642467 2002-03-14 1.11534061189 899.918
13 170.0259 -21.7055 U 52347.2877508 2002-03-14 1.20065544431 899.9176
14 169.9974 -21.7166 U 52434.9792105 2002-06-09 1.04487440128 2749.5874
15 170.0723 -21.6752 U 52435.0190574 2002-06-10 1.14165526954 2749.5873
16 170.0797 -21.7209 U 52435.9836017 2002-06-10 1.05701624002 2749.5874
17 169.9901 -21.671 U 52436.0242791 2002-06-11 1.1725304731 2749.5927
18 170.0128 -21.7045 U 52465.973576 2002-07-10 1.3301046991 2749.5866
Frames in SB: Properties
# Instrument Filter Pixel Scale NDIT Astrometric System Photometric Flag Visual Flag Automatic Flag
1 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
2 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
3 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
4 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
5 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
6 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
7 WFI #877 0.238 1 GSC2.2 PHOTOM C
8 WFI #877 0.238 3 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
9 WFI #877 0.238 1 GSC2.2 PHOTOM C
10 WFI #877 0.238 1 GSC2.2 PHOTOM C
11 WFI #877 0.238 1 GSC2.2 PHOTOM C
12 WFI #877 0.238 1 GSC2.2 PHOTOM C
13 WFI #877 0.238 1 GSC2.2 PHOTOM C
14 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 - B
15 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 - B
16 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
17 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
18 WFI #877 0.238 5 GSC2.2 PHOTOM B
Frames in SB: Attributes
# Seeing (arcsec) PSF Distortion (rms) Sky Brightness (magnitudes/arcsec2) Limiting magnitude (5 sigma - 2 arcsec)
1 0.91 0.067 21.33 N/A
2 1.09 0.089 21.39 N/A
3 0.83 0.071 21.38 N/A
4 0.89 0.075 21.48 N/A
5 1.12 0.1 21.74 N/A
6 0.2 0.048 21.54 N/A
7 0.85 0.097 21.85 N/A
8 0.98 0.119 21.93 N/A
9 1.08 0.102 21.98 N/A
10 0.96 0.119 21.95 N/A
11 0.96 0.08 21.9 N/A
12 0.8 0.102 21.83 N/A
13 0.92 0.144 21.69 N/A
14 0.98 0.068 21.86 N/A
15 0.23 0.035 21.89 N/A
16 1.05 0.082 21.67 N/A
17 0.22 0.041 21.54 N/A
18 1.4 0.112 21.16 N/A
Frames in SB: Photometry (Vega)
# MJD. Civil Date Solution Type Zeropoint Zp error Extinction Chi2
1 52343.667 2002-03-10 N/A 21.76 0.009 0.425 0.057
2 52343.667 2002-03-10 N/A 21.76 0.009 0.425 0.057
3 52344.667 2002-03-11 N/A 21.65 0.008 0.222 0.069
4 52344.667 2002-03-11 N/A 21.65 0.008 0.222 0.069
5 52345.667 2002-03-12 N/A 21.94 0.007 0.412 0.055
6 52345.667 2002-03-12 N/A 21.94 0.007 0.412 0.055
7 52346.667 2002-03-13 N/A 21.97 0.005 0.421 0.062
8 52346.667 2002-03-13 N/A 21.97 0.005 0.421 0.062
9 52346.667 2002-03-13 N/A 21.97 0.005 0.421 0.062
10 52346.667 2002-03-13 N/A 21.97 0.005 0.421 0.062
11 52346.667 2002-03-13 N/A 21.97 0.005 0.421 0.062
12 52346.667 2002-03-13 N/A 21.97 0.005 0.421 0.062
13 52346.667 2002-03-13 N/A 21.97 0.005 0.421 0.062
14 52434.667 2002-06-09 N/A 22.06 -1.0 0.48 0.105
15 52434.667 2002-06-09 N/A 22.06 -1.0 0.48 0.105
16 52435.667 2002-06-10 N/A 22.5 0.062 0.758 0.062
17 52435.667 2002-06-10 N/A 22.5 0.062 0.758 0.062
18 52465.667 2002-07-10 N/A 22.42 0.061 0.758 0.061
Frames in SB: Astrometry
# Projection Orientation Astrometric Reference Catalogue Reference Pixel: X Reference Pixel: Y Reference Pointing: Right Ascension Reference Pointing: Declination
1 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 408.0 3987.0 170.3 -21.7
2 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 691.0 3869.0 170.3 -21.7
3 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 816.0 4044.0 170.3 -21.7
4 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 591.0 4181.0 170.3 -21.7
5 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 88.0 4096.0 170.3 -21.7
6 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 -38.0 3923.0 170.3 -21.7
7 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 -377.0 3528.0 170.3 -21.7
8 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 206.0 3701.0 170.3 -21.7
9 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 188.0 3557.0 170.3 -21.7
10 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 43.0 3735.0 170.3 -21.7
11 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 481.0 3644.0 170.3 -21.7
12 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 -317.0 3979.0 170.3 -21.7
13 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 120.0 3888.0 170.3 -21.7
14 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 10.0 4249.0 170.3 -21.7
15 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 1063.0 3613.0 170.3 -21.7
16 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 1152.0 4308.0 170.3 -21.7
17 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 -93.0 3548.0 170.3 -21.7
18 TAN DEFAULT GSC2.2 243.0 4049.0 170.3 -21.7


Image Products >> Product Log >> Calibration
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 05-Nov-2004
Product Creation Time 20:05:53
User eisdata
Session 70531
Process 5000010
Product Type stack
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP3
Field DEEP3c
Passband U
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 48845
Catalog Symbol Number of Objects Brightest Magnitude Faintest Magnitude
GSC2 Blue cross 0
USNO Blue boxes 0
Night Solutions
# Airmass Zeropoint Zp error Extinction Chi2 Flux Scale
1 1.01 21.76 0.01 0.43 0.057 1.49
2 1.07 21.76 0.01 0.43 0.057 1.52
3 1.01 21.65 0.01 0.22 0.069 1.23
4 1.1 21.65 0.01 0.22 0.069 1.25
5 1.01 21.94 0.01 0.41 0.055 1.47
6 1.1 21.94 0.01 0.41 0.055 1.52
7 1.08 21.97 0.01 0.42 0.062 1.52
8 1.02 21.97 0.01 0.42 0.062 1.49
9 1.01 21.97 0.01 0.42 0.062 1.48
10 1.02 21.97 0.01 0.42 0.062 1.48
11 1.04 21.97 0.01 0.42 0.062 1.5
12 1.12 21.97 0.01 0.42 0.062 1.54
13 1.2 21.97 0.01 0.42 0.062 1.59
16 1.06 22.5 0.06 0.76 0.062 2.09
17 1.17 22.5 0.06 0.76 0.062 2.27
18 1.33 22.42 0.06 0.76 0.061 2.53
Image Products: Calibration: Stack Non-Photometric...
# Airmass Zeropoint Zp error Extinction Chi2 Flux Scale
14 1.04 22.06 -1.0
15 1.14 22.06 -1.0
Relative Photometry
Overlap Information
Number of Fields 1
Number of Overlaps 17
Magnitude differences in overlaps
Overlap ID Fields Number of Objects Magnitude Difference Standard deviation Area
1 1,2 165 0.099 0.077 23.04
2 1,3 165 0.114 0.111 15.3
3 1,4 194 0.038 0.129 14.36
4 1,5 204 0.035 0.105 16.1
5 1,6 175 0.103 0.106 15.22
6 1,7 118 -0.063 0.07 14.21
7 1,8 83 0.253 0.201 10.38
8 1,9 129 0.289 0.096 15.35
9 1,10 103 0.294 0.201 16.66
10 1,11 82 0.284 0.106 20.98
11 1,12 101 0.263 0.088 13.32
12 1,13 95 0.28 0.073 13.21
13 1,14 89 0.286 0.16 21.05
14 1,15 143 0.751 0.077 6.08
15 1,16 149 0.705 0.111 8.85
16 1,17 120 0.768 0.086 18.83
Distribution of Magnitude Differences: Tij
Mean Magnitude Difference 0.281
Standard Deviation 0.254


Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 05-Nov-2004
Product Creation Time 22:11:02
User eisdata
Session 70531
Workflow N/A
Process N/A
Product Type Comparison
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP3
Field DEEP3c
Passband U
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 48844.7337

QC Parameters

Image Products >> Product Log >> Quality Control Parameters (Image QCP)